Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And the winner is.....(drumroll)

Yep! My new machine is officially on order. After prolonged indecisiveness and contemplation, I have FINALLY made a decision. I have parted with the $5,500 necessary to call this puppy my own, and now the writer is currently being built. I should have it in about three weeks. Sianara my little Stentura friend; this cookie is moving on up to a big girl's machine. Although I AM sad to say goodbye to my faithful SRT200, it's time to move on.


Anonymous said...

I was going to pick that model but I didn't want to go back to school and learn a new language. I'll stick to typing, psssh, so last century I know. I'm sure you will put it to good use. JAK

Anonymous said...

How did you get the diamonte? Did finanacial aid help or No?
I am just going back to school, and I have A Stentura400. But i really want another machine I thought about odering the Diamonte as My graduation Present to myself,and keeping my older writer for school. But My director told us yesterday that the Diamonte was purchased by one other student and it was not compatable with the school computers. We have the older windows,and eclipse software. Also on ToddOlivas's website he has apparell from a Stenodiva is that you? Anyways Love your BLog i found you through Toddolivas, and Goodluck with your RPR. Hope to See some posts about the Diamonte,and how to hook it up to older computers for school,transcribing etc. Marvalous.

Me, myself, and I said...

Sorry. I'm behind the times and just now saw this. To fund my purchase of the machine, I took out the maximum amount of financial aid that I could for 2 semesters and stashed the extra. when I had enough then I just purchased the machine outright. Stenograph also has financing options available as well though.
I don't know what you were told about compatability...but I use eclipse and I have no problem. I think case cat is probably the program that would have the least amount of issues, but Eclipse is compatable and I have yet to have an issue. I would suggest speaking w/ someone at stenograph regarding your concerns. Good luck! I think a new machine makes a fantastic grad gift to self. :)


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
-Robert Collier

So many fail because they don't get started - they don't go. They don't overcome inertia. They don't begin.
-W. Clement Stone

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
-William B. Sprague


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