My personal journey (Yes! I DO have a life outside of court reporting school) has been one that has led me into rediscovering the world of dating and singledom, it has become painfully evident that I may have to kiss a few frogs, or even perhaps a few komodo dragons for that fact, before I am to find my Mr. Right. I actually think I'm quite fine with that though. On the heels of a devastating divorce, I'm most definitely not looking to jump into anything too serious, and more importantly, I'm choosing to find enjoyment and even humor in the dating process, rather than be tormented and overwhelmed by it. (And for the record, there are some CrAzIeS out there.) I do have to say, I think I've been out of the game a little while, so my skills seem a bit rusty. All the more reason to practice, right! I have also discovered, I am quite happy being single. Not to say that I wouldn't like some "male companionship", but it's not so bad flying solo. Recently, I have found enjoyment in some of the following perks of being relationship-free:
1. I don't have to check with anyone before making plans.
2. I can drop everything at a moments notice if I decide to go meet the girls.
3. There is no pressure to ALWAYS have my legs shaved.
4. I can flirt with anyone I please...guilt-free.
5. I don't have to share my food, and if I want the biggest piece of cake, I can have it.
6. I can hog the covers in bed.
7. I don't have to juggle multiple families at the holidays.
8. Any Christmas money I receive doesn't have to be split with anyone.
9. And best of all, there is no need for compromise.
So singeldom is proving to be not so bad. However, I'll be honest and admit that a little male company is definitely nice every now and then, and it isn't completely undesired either. It's nice to be noticed. It's also really great to have someone think you are worth a little time and energy, perhaps a nice dinner out, or a random flirtatious text. So although I wouldn't necessarily say I am actively looking for Mr. Right, I wouldn't say I'm turning the other cheek either. I think I am just choosing to enjoy the moment.
And in the words of the very wise, Dr. Seuss, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go."
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