Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One at a time, please!

I sat in on a depo yesterday that, to be honest, drove me a little bit bonkers. The deponent refused to answer questions verbally, but rather repeatedly tried to respond with nods and grunts instead. The attorneys were constantly asking her, "Was that a yes?" or "Was that a no?". She must have been gently reminded a million times to please wait until the question was completely asked before answering, or to speak clearly using actual words when she responded. This was a court reporter's nightmare. In addition, one of the attorneys was really soft spoken and so listening for his objections proved a little challenging, especially since it was just one more thing to worry about in the mix of all these constant interjections. All in all, it was a classic case of too many people speaking at once or cutting each other off mid-sentence. By the end, everyone's little nuances were starting to drive me completely nutty. The court reporter did interject only once out of necessity, and handled the entire experience in stride (probably thanks to her 30 plus years of experience.) I myself wanted to interject and yell, "Hey lady, try speaking with some actual words!!!! And everyone, please, just one at a time!" Of course, I refrained. Instead, I sat quietly taking down, as best I could, everything that was being spoken, and quietly thanking God that for this very day it wasn't me who was responsible for creating the official record.


jaredwbowman said...

recently i had to testify in a child abuse and neglect case. the defense attorney tried to bully me on the stand, trying to get me to give opinion and to respond to hearsay. after my testimony the judge told me a make "an excellent witness" and the next day told my boss he wished all of her employees were as good on the stand as i was.
i'm not sure that is something i want to be "good" at, since i hope to never have to do it again. but it can be nerve-racking having to testify or give an official statement.


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
-Robert Collier

So many fail because they don't get started - they don't go. They don't overcome inertia. They don't begin.
-W. Clement Stone

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
-William B. Sprague


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